In January 2019 there have been a shocking number of arson attacks reported in the news.
Fires that were started deliberately last month ripped through vacant NHS buildings in Bedfordshire, a former night club property in Newcastle, the South London storage depot of a fashion designer who lost over £200,000 worth of his London Fashion Week work, Radio 1 DJ Sara Cox’s family’s farm property and the inside of a high rise building in Brighton.
In one Hertfordshire town alone there were five separate arson-related incidents reported between last Boxing Day and January 26th 2019. Despite extensive property damage thankfully there has not been any loss of life.
When properties are unoccupied they are an easy target for arsonists and criminals.
Fires that are started in or near vacant buildings often go out of control before an alarm is raised. It is common that such empty properties will have a build up of rubbish and combustible material left inside and outside the buildings which acts as fuel for the fire. These “rubbish fires” create a serious health risk for firefighters and local residents due to fly-tipped and hazardous substances being ignited and producing noxious fumes.
Many times, the buildings targeted by arsonists were boarded up by a security company when they became empty but this only makes them an obvious target for arsonists or vandals looking to set a fire without being caught
The threat of arson at vacant properties is yet another reason that empty buildings in London are better protected by being brought back to life to be occupied by property guardians, monitored by CCTV and managed by a professional property guardian company while awaiting planning permission, redevelopment or sale.
Property Guardian Protection Limited deliver property guardian and vacant property management services with an emphasis on best practice in terms of compliance and health & safety at no cost to property owners.
Whilst we look after our clients’ buildings on a temporary basis we provide peace of mind that their buildings are safe and secure with the minimum of holding costs until their future is decided.
For further information on Property Guardian Protection works or to find out more about Property Guardian Protection for London please drop us a line, give us a call or meet us and the guardians at one of the buildings we manage..