Dear Client, contact, friend or associate,
As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds PGP are supporting the front line of the fight to defeat the virus.
Around one third of our property guardians are key workers in the London taking on the huge challenge of keeping the capital running during these extraordinary times..
With transport into London being severely restricted for the next few months, we have already received nearly 2,000 requests for temporary accommodation in March.
PGP are fully operational in managing properties across London and our maintenance team is on hand 24/7 to make sure buildings are safe and operating as normal, even if there is a “lockdown”.
This is what we do and as a property guardian company we are one of the best placed organisations to offer our experience and infrastructure in such unusual times.
From today, PGP are launching an initiative to provide the lowest possible cost accommodation for key workers in London.
In order to do this we require more buildings to turn into temporary homes.
Please contact us urgently if you have a vacant property in mind that may be suitable for key workers to live in for 6 months or more .
As a property owner there is zero cost to you and you will of course also save on other costs relating to vacant property.
PGP look forward to hearing from you and wish you only health and positivity.
Stay safe
T: 0203 889 7575